Beyond Performance
Maurizio Sabini
Human Time as a Resource: Twelve Strategies for Re-thinking Urban Materiality
Anupama Kundoo
2 in 1 – A Playful Approach to the Sustainable Use of Building Materials
Angie Müller-Puch, Erik Hegre, Michael Innerarity
Wood City: Timberizing the City’s Building Blocks
Stephen Luoni
Re-Emergence of the Vernacular: The Material Aspirations and the Vanishing Continuum of the Immaterial
Chaitra Sharad, Sanket Mhatre
Silver Tower. Bio-Engineered Matter with Silver Skin
Sung Ho Kim
Salt as a Building Material: Current Status and Future Opportunities
Vesna Pungercar, Florian Musso
Reading (Hidden) Dialogue of Organic Tectonics
Resza Riskiyanto, Yandi Andri Yatmo, Paramita Atmodiwirjo
Performance-Based Computational Design and Fabrication for a Resilient Solution: Dredged Material for Masonry Vault Construction
BoSheng Liu, Rui Liu
Material as Common Good: Feedstock Valorization in Building Materials Using Biochar as a Case Study
James Forren
Woven Blocks: A Tectonic/Typological Investigation into the Potential of FDM Printing
Genevieve Baudoin, Bruce A. Johnson
Material Dynamics in Architecture
Vera Parlac
Research Towards Shape-Changing Composites with Thermal Responsiveness: 4D Print Experiments in Small Scale
Michaela Gebetsroither, Oliver Schürer
Book Review
The Materiality of Architecture
Stamatina Kousidi
Titolo THE PLAN Journal - Vol 6 - Issue 2
Editore Gruppo Maggioli S.p.A.
Numero di pagine 570
Formato 21x29 cm
Lingua Inglese
Periodo pubblicazione 2021
Prezzo di copertina Euro 60,00