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TPJ Vol3 - Issue2
TPJ Vol3 - Issue2
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New Paradigms
Maurizio Sabini

The Sharing Cosmopolis. Prosperity without Growth
Doug Kelbaugh

Process of Commoning in the Production and Proliferation of Shared Space
Olivia Hamilton

The Future of Urban Living in the Sharing Economy
Wendy Wey-Yue Fok

Using Digital Data for Office Design. The Case Study of the Agnelli Foundation
Carlo Ratti with Antonio Atripaldi, Melanie Erspamer, Daniele Belleri

Towards a Cooperative Architecture Platform
Jose Manuel Sanchez

The Engaged Project: Representation, Dissent, and the Architecture of Public Space
Jennifer Akerman

Crowdsourcing + Shared Architecture
Niloufar Vakil, Joe Colistra

Collective Creativity in a Geodesign World: The DC-Baltimore Futures Studio
Jana VanderGoot, Dan Engelberg, Gerrit-Jan Knaap

Fluid Urbanism: How Information Steered Architecture Might Reshape the Dynamics of Civic Dwelling
Sharon Wohl, Reny Revariah

Un-Cramming - A New Shared Economy
Winka Dubbeldam


Titolo THE PLAN Journal - Vol 3 - Issue 2 | THE SHARED PROJECT
Editore Gruppo Maggioli S.p.A.
Numero di pagine 180
Formato 21x29 cm
Lingua Inglese
Periodo pubblicazione 2019
Prezzo di copertina Euro 60,00

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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