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Dall & Lindhardtsen

Peter Jørgensen

Dall & Lindhardtsen

Dall & Lindhardtsen A/S is a Danish architecture company based in Elsinore. The company provides client counseling in all project stages- from programming, through concept design and design development to handover of a completed building. We offer client consultancy, as strategic advisers in the early stages of a building project, where we draw on many years of experience and knowledge of architecture and building design. 
Advising both private and public- sector clients in architectural, technical and financial matters we integrate our expertise in disciplines within architecture. We specialize in new construction, renovations, and transformation, as well as buildings worthy of preservation and protected buildings. Building design is our core competency, where we manage both small and large projects. 
Our clientele consists of a wide range of public- sector clients in state and municipality, as well as our private clients. 
As architects, we draw on our professional range and our ability to incorporate complex requirements in achieving our list of references, consisting of unique and robust buildings.

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