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Curtis + Ginsberg Architects

Mark Ginsberg

LLP with over 33 years of professional experience in planning, urban design, institutional and housing projects. His expertise in affordable and mixed income housing, resiliency and green design has been recognized through his many lectures at national and local conferences and meetings. Mark has led C+GA’s efforts on developments that comprise well over 10,000 units of housing, most of which are affordable and sustainable. Mark is a past President of the AIA New York Chapter, former co-chair of the New York New Visions Executive Committee, and an organizer of both the New Housing New York Ideas Competition and Legacy Project. He co-chaired the Post Sandy Housing Task force, and was a member of the AIA National Housing Task Force. Mark is Vice Chair of the Catskill Center for Conservation and Development, is a member of the New York State Association for Affordable Housing Board of Trustees, is a Trustee of the National Housing Conference, and is President of Citizen’s Housing and Planning Council. Mark is a registered architect in the States of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey. He holds a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Arts from Wesleyan University in Theater Design and Government.

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#Curtis + Ginsberg Architects 

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