1956.? Falling Modernism and Arising Landscape Urbanism. The selected essays are related to the hermeneutical circle established between Europe and the U.S. after World War II. Radically changing the "geography" of architecture, this circle critically acts in the crisis of the Modern Movement. The year 1956 in particular sees the concurrence of specific conditions (Waldheim, 2009), which open up a Pandora's box in the research on the city: the "Urban Design Conference" at Harvard University; the CIAM of Dubrovnik; the exhibition This is Tomorrow; the Alba Congress; and Hilberseimer's projects in Detroit. These analytical lines mark a first step in the deformation process of the dominant systems activated in architecture from the beginning of the century. Landscape Urbanism is the latest step. Very promising, it reverses the circle's direction, introducing North American research into European knowledge. The book considers Theory as the new Practice. To take power away from reality in order to introduce a new modality in knowledge, prior to a new shape: this is the first aim of the texts collected in this theoretical anthology. In order to create infinite platforms of research about the city.
Titolo: Loaded Void - second edition
Autore/Autori: Elisa Cattaneo, Mirko Andolina, Giacomo Ardesio
Editore: Maggioli SpA
Anno di pubblicazione: 12/2015
Numero di pagine: 762
Collana: Politecnica
Serie: Saggi
Tematica: Architettura
Lingua: Inglese
Codice ISBN: 8891612175
Codice EAN: 9788891612175
Elisa Cattaneo
Elisa C. Cattaneo Graham Foundation Grant Recipient in 2014, is adjunct professor in landscape design at the Politecnico di Milano. She researches on experimental ecological design and their theoretical implications. After receiving her degree in architecture, she attended a master program in strategic planning for architectural, urban, and environmental resources. in 2009, she received her PhD in architectural and urban design. She continued to develop her research interests as a visiting scholar at MIT (2010) and at Harvard University's Graduate School of Design (2011-12). She is founder and director of the independen research agency WeakCircus, through which she studies, researches, and develops projects on contemporary urbanism related to the theory of weakness.
Mirko Andolina
Mirko AndolinaTeaching Assistant and Lecturer at the Politecnico di Milano, he graduated with honors in Architecture with the thesis Hologramatic territory. Ecological Strategies in West Bank Territories, developed in partnership with the Harvard University's Graduate School of Design. His research is focused on the relationship between ecology and contemporary cities, in particular in emerging and crisis territories.He worked in different landscape and urbanism based in Milan and Berlin.Since 2012 he is part of the independent research agency WeakCircus.
Giacomo Ardesio
Giacomo Ardesio Teaching assistant and lecturer at Politecnico di Milano, he graduated with honors in Architecture with a thesis titled A Swarming City, Patterns of Interference, developed between Mumbai, Istanbul and Milan in partnership with URBZ.Between 2012 and 2014 he worked between Italy and India following the path defined in this book in order to continue this investigation. Since 2013 he is part of the independent research agency WeakCircus. His main interests involve emerging forms of urbanism and ecologies and the definitions of of non conventional tools for design. ??URBZIt is an experimental urban research and action collective which organizes collaborative workshops, facilitates hands-on research projects, creates urban forms and concepts, and develops web content about urban space and places since 2008. It has shown its work at the Istanbul Design Biennial in 2012 and will showcase again at the Museum of Modern Art, New York in November 2014. They have - through their joint initiatives - Urbanology and Homegrown cities combined efforts in the fields of research, consultancy and design - developping new avenues for engagement in urban issues. Their collective institutional partners include Max Planck Institute for Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Goettingen, Germany, and Laboratory for Urban Sociology, Lausanne, Switzerland. ??