Environmental issues are critical all over Europe, but especially in Italy, where valuable natural resources are closely integrated with an equally important cultural heritage.? As a fact, environment, landscape and cultural heritage are part of a indivisible dynamic system continuously subjected to human actions that compromise the precarious equilibrium between nature and built environment. But the territorial quality is a crucial factor of the global competitiveness, to attract resources and to support the socio economic growth. In the Architectural Technology approach, the environmental project aims to develop a territory and to build the future heritage with the consciousness that every action is part of a broader scenario which combines local identity (cultural and landscape values), environmental qualities (ecological and ecosystem values) and socio economic factors. So, the cultural heritage enhancement is: management of usability, design of territorial networks, reuse of abandoned buildings, construction of new social opportunities, access to new services and experiences. Because of the inseparable link between its cultural, environmental and landscape heritage, the town of Mantova - Unesco site since 2008 and Italian Capital of Culture 2016 - represents a perfect site to experiment a multiscalar and transdisciplinary design approach for the cultural heritage enhancement.
Titolo: Design, technologies and innovation in cultural heritage enhancement
Autore/Autori: Elena Mussinelli
Editore: Maggioli SpA
Anno di pubblicazione: 01/2016
Numero di pagine: 142
Collana: Politecnica
Serie: Studi e Progetti
Tematica: Architettura
Lingua: Inglese
Codice ISBN: 8891612380
Codice EAN: 9788891612380
Elena Mussinelli
Elena Mussinelli, professore ordinario di Tecnologia dell'architettura presso il Dipartimento di Architettura, ingegneria delle costruzioni e ambiente costruito del Politecnico di Milano. Corrado Trombetta, professore associato di Tecnologia dell'architettura presso il Dipartimento di Architettura e territorio dell'Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria. ?