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5 Spatial Design Tactics
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5 Spatial Design Tactics
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The third millennium sets the scene for a profound and radical change in the way people live. For design - which works as a continuous process, by identifying and interpreting the needs which trace the new paths and scenarios of life as it develops, and then by proposing design actions which become space, objects and ways of behaving - it is a unique opportunity to generate creative concepts and the territorial sphere, which is undergoing profound metamorphosis, provides design with another field for experimentation with great potential. By freely facing challenges and imbuing itself in its work with the languages of architecture, art, communication sciences, urban planning, landscape design and territorial marketing - with an extremely full exchange of composition grammars and behavioral responses - design can carry through a concrete revolution in the dynamics of the design of other spaces. The temporary, adaptable and reversible methods offered by the systemic approaches typical of the Design process mesh particularly well with the requirements for development and adaptability of post-industrial society, structured as it is on networked, multiple, pervasive and invisible systems, which are being continuously implemented and transformed, and on the value of the global-local relationship. The study highlights how it is possible to achieve these goals using different and distinctive spatial design tactics through collaborative engagement with neighboring creative disciplines.

Titolo: 5 Spatial Design Tactics

Autore/Autori: Giovanna Piccinno

Editore: Maggioli SPA

Anno di pubblicazione: 12/2020

Numero di pagine: 180

Collana: Politecnica

Serie: Design

Tematica: Design

Lingua: Inglese

Codice ISBN: 8891646538

Codice EAN: 9788891646538

Giovanna Piccinno
Giovanna Piccinno - Architect and Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milano (IT), INDACO Department, School of Design, where she performs teaching and research activities. She investigates and develops projects in the fields of architecture and design. Deals with Urban Design and Spatial Design carrying out applied researches. She established in 2009 and coordinates the Spatial Design Teamwork, an international research group dealing with applied research issues for the design of heterotopic spaces of the diffuse contemporary cities. She was selected by the Ministry of Innovation of the Italian Government to attend Expo Shanghai 2010 'Italia degli Innovatori' with the research project '100 Virtuous Cities'. Member of the ADI Permanent Design Observatory for the 'Compasso d'oro' award in the thematic committee 'Company research'. Professor of the PhD School at Politecnico di Milano in the Doctoral program in Design. She was part of the 'Sistema Design Italia - SDI'.Elisa Lega - Doctor in Design, lecturer at the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano (IT). She graduated in Interior Design at Politecnico di Milano where she also completed her PhD research with the dissertation title of'A transdisciplinary investigation of the role of Spatial Design for the understanding of In-between urban spaces', analysing new spatial conditions within the urban transformation processes. Since 2006 has been collaborating with INDACO Department - Industrial Design, Arts, Communication and Fashion -Politecnico di Milano where in 2009 she also joined the Spatial Design Teamwork, a research group dealing with the spreading of new typologies of spaces and places in the territory of the third millennium. Her research fields are related to the contemporary dynamic condition of urban spaces in order to define innovative strategies to give them value through Spatial Design approaches and practices.

Resta aggiornato sulle novità del mondo dell'architettura e del design

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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