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The shortlisted projects for THE PLAN Award 2022

Over 700 Completed and Future projects in the running. The winners of each category to be announced in fall.

The shortlisted projects for THE PLAN Award 2022
By Editorial Staff -

The shortlisted projects for THE PLAN Award 2022 have been published. Again this year, participation numbers were outstanding in this international award for excellence in architecture, interior design, and urban planning, now being held for the eighth time. Over 700 projects have been shortlisted from among the more than 1200 entries from around the world. These projects will now go through to the next stage of the competition, which will lead to the announcement of the finalists in October. The awards ceremony for the winners and honorable mentions will take place in November.

The projects are divided into 20 themed categories, for each of which two winners will be chosen, one for the Future section, for projects yet to be constructed, and one for the Completed section.

Over the eight editions of the award, numerous projects have met with huge success outside the contest. Especially for newly established studios, THE PLAN Award represents an extraordinary opportunity to participate and compete with other architectural firms from all over the world. The winning projects and honorable mentions are featured on THE PLAN’s online platforms and published in the special THE PLAN Award book.


A distinguished international jury

THE PLAN Award jury is composed of preeminent professionals and academics from the fields of architecture and design: Yehuda Safran (Pratt Institute School of Architecture); Huang Wenjing (Tsinghua University); Michael Webb, author of 25 architecture and design books; Li Xiangning (Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning); Patricia Santos Pedrosa (Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies); Valerio Paolo Mosco, architect and architecture critic; Elena Tomasi (FPMC – Fine Properties Monte Carlo); Raymund Ryan (Heinz Architectural Center, Carnegie Museum of Art); and Diane Gray (La (H) B and Roca Gallery).



Community Wish List Special Prize

It won’t only be the jury who decides on the winners. Everyone can vote for their own favorite project in the Community Wish List Special Prize, which will award projects with the highest number of votes in both the Completed and Future sections. You can vote for more than one project, but only one vote per day will be counted. To vote, visit the section of the website dedicated to THE PLAN Award 2022 shortlisted projects.

>>> Last year, the Community Wish List Special Prize was won by the BAJÍO 307 residential complex, designed by BRAG Arquitectos

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