With a holistic approach to minimizing CO2 emissions that extends from the production chain through to customer delivery, AGC Glass Europe has created Low-Carbon, an innovative range of glass with a reduced carbon footprint. Planibel Clearlite is its first low-carbon float glass, a product whose carbon footprint has been reduced by over 40% – that is, to just 7 kg of CO2 per m² (based on 4 mm glass).
“In 2022, the United Nations International Year of Glass, we took a big step towards carbon neutrality, closing out the year with the launch of our low-carbon glass range, offering customers glass that – from the extraction of raw materials to final installation – produces over 40% less CO2 than our standard glass,” said Davide Cappellino, president of AGC Architectural Glass Europe & Americas.
To achieve this result, AGC examined every phase and every component of the production chain to reduce direct carbon emissions. The group then addressed emissions from electricity generation, the upstream supply chain, and other indirect sources. AGC focused on six key points to develop the range: the sustainable sourcing of raw materials, the use of highly efficient melting furnaces, increasing the use of recycled glass, using green energy sources, optimizing transport between the group’s sites for finishing processes, and optimizing the transport of finished products. The range first went into production at AGC’s plant in Moustier, Belgium, but was soon extended to Seignbouse, France.
All these advantages come on top of the those of standard float glass, including the options of lamination, solar control coatings, and double or triple glazing.
More informations: www.agc-glass.eu
>>> Read more about the Spectrum Building.
All images courtesy of AGC Glass Europe