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Lacaton & Vassal are the Pritzker Prize 2021 winners

Lacaton & Vassal are the Pritzker Prize 2021 winners
By Editorial Staff -

Martha Thorne, Executive Director of the Pritzker Prizeand and Dean of IE School of Architecture and Design, has announced in an Instagram live the winners of the Pritzker Prize 2021: Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal.

The motivation of the Jury was unanimous in defining Lacaton & Vassal’s works as a reflection of architecture’s democratic spirit.

In the words of Anne Lacaton, good architecture should not be demonstrative or imposing, but it should enhance the freedom of anyone while becoming familiar, useful and beautiful.

The winners’ architecture could be described as “Restorative, able to recover the place and community in which it is included, all the while enhancing residents’ lives.

Another relevant characteristic of Lacaton & Vassal’s work is their meticulous care for sustainability and its deep understanding.

The Jury says:

"From very early on, Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal have consistently expanded the notion of sustainability to be understood as a real balance between its economic, environmental and social pillars. Their work has delivered through a variety of projects that actively address responsibility in these three dimensions".

In all their works ranging from single homes to cultural centers, from restoration projects to exhibition centers, Lacaton & Vassal were able to instill the three aspects of sustainability.

To sum up, Lacaton & Vassal,

Through their belief that architecture is more than just buildings, through the issues they address and the proposals they realize, through forging a responsible and sometimes solitary path illustrating that the best architecture can be humble and is always thoughtful, respectful, and responsible, they have shown that architecture can have a great impact on our communities and contribute to the awareness that we are not alone.

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