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Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2025, registrations open

This year, the non-profit iniziative by Balouo Salo Humanitarian Organization focuses on designing a nursery school in rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa

Kaira Looro Competition 2025: a nursery school in Sub-Saharan Africa
By Editorial Staff -

Even in 2025, the humanitarian organization Balouo Salo invites architects, designers, engineers, and students to participate in the international architecture competition Kaira Looro Competition. The goal of the competition is to design a nursery school for rural areas in southern Senegal: an innovative structure that promotes the well-being and development of children.

Registrations will be open until May 15, 2025. The deadline for project submissions is June 10 and the winners will be announced on July 8. The winning design will be implemented. The proceeds from the competition will be entirely allocated to the organization's charity projects, which focus on improving access to education, healthcare, and infrastructure in disadvantaged regions of Sub-Saharan Africa.Progetto vincitore della Kaira Looro Competition 2024 - Centro Maternità Progetto di Bao Gia Luong, Vietnam

First Prize at the Kaira Looro Competition 2024 – Maternity Center. Project by Bao Gia Luong from Vietnam


Shaping the Future of Education

The lack of preschool education facilities in many rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa is a significant obstacle to child development. Education plays a crucial role in nurturing cognitive skills, emotional growth, and social abilities in young children. This urgent need inspired the selection of a nursery school project as the theme for the Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2025.

This year’s competition offers young professionals and students worldwide the chance to shape the future of education in these regions by proposing innovative, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions that integrate education, socialization, and exploration into a cohesive space.Progetto vincitore della Kaira Looro Competition 2023 - Scuola Primaria Progetto di Artha Krisiantara, Indonesia

First Prize at the Kaira Looro Competition 2023 – Primary School. Project by Artha Krisiantara from Indonesia


Competition Scope and Prizes

Participants must focus on using local materials and actively involving the community in the construction process, making the school a reference point for the entire Sub-Saharan African community. The nursery school design should have a maximum area of 650 m² and include functional spaces such as classrooms, offices, educational and play areas, an infirmary, a dining hall, a storage room, and restrooms.

The first prize includes an internship at Kengo Kuma & Associates in Japan, the implementation of the winning project, and a cash award of € 5,000. The second and third prizes are €2,000 and €3,000 respectively, along with internships at prestigious firms such as EMBT – Benedetta Tagliabue in Spain, Amanda Levete Architects in London, and SBGA Blengini Ghirardelli in Milan.

Additionally, the competition will recognize special mentions, honorable mentions, and 35 finalists.1st Prize at Kaira Looro Competition 2022 - Children's House Progetto di Ziyu Guo, Cina

First Prize at the Kaira Looro Competition 2022 – Children’s House. Project by Ziyu Guo from China

The Jury of Kaira Looro Competition 2025

The international jury evaluating the projects will include some of the most renowned architects in the world, such as Kengo Kuma (Kengo Kuma & Associates), Benedetta Tagliabue (Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT Architects), Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, Ramón (RCR Arquitectes), Mario Cucinella (Mario Cucinella Architects), David Adjaye (Adjaye Associates), Amanda Levete (Amanda Levete Architects), Manuel Aires Mateus (Aires Mateus Architects), Giancarlo Mazzanti (El Equipo Mazzanti), Agostino Ghirardelli (SBGA | Blengini Ghirardelli), Raul Pantaleo (TAM Associati), Emmanuelle Moureaux (Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture + Design), Saad El Kabbaj, Driss Kettani, Mohamed Amine Siana.


>>> Also discover the winning project of the 2024 edition, which focused on designing a Maternity Center for rural areas in southern Senegal


All images courtesy of Balouo Salo

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