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2024 EUmies Awards – Winners Announced

The Study Pavilion of the Technical University of Braunschweig wins the Architecture Prize and the Gabriel García Márquez Library the Emerging Architecture Prize

EUmies Awards 2024 winners
By Editorial Staff -

One of architecture’s most renowned and important prizes, the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe Awards – also known as EUmies Awards – was established by the Fundació Mies van der Rohe and the European Union to recognize excellence in built architecture works in Europe.

This year’s winners of the Architecture Prize and of the Emerging Architecture Prize are respectively the Study Pavilion on the campus of the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, and the Gabriel García Márquez Library in Barcelona. They were disclosed at the Centre for Information, Documentation and Exhibitions in Brussels by Georg Häusler, director for Culture, Creativity and Sport of the European Commission, and Fréderic Druot, president of the 2024 jury.

The 2024 Awards Ceremony will take place at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona on May 14. Afterwards, the exhibition presenting all works (including the nominated ones) will tour around Europe.


The Winner of the Architecture Prize

Architects Gustav Düsing and Max Hacke, both based in Berlin, with their Study Pavilion on the campus of the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, are the youngest winners of the EUmies Awards Architecture Prize.

The building’s organizational principle follows the idea of the superstructure, allowing for a constant reconfiguration of the floor plan, while the steel-wood hybrid construction follows the principle of “design for disassembly”, which means that not only the materials but also entire architectural elements can find new use elsewhere, in the spirit of circular economy. For this reason, as well as for creating a welcoming place for study, collaboration and community gathering, the Study Pavilion was selected as winner.




The Winner of the Emerging Architecture Prize

The Gabriel García Márquez Library in Barcelona was designed by Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano, founders of Madrid-based studio SUMA Arquitectura.

The architects describe the library “as a ‘Palace for the People’, following the definition of sociologist Eric Klinenberg of those public facilities or spaces that, in addition to specific functions, are infrastructures of proximity and social cohesion”. According to the jury, their project contributes to the transformation of the neighborhood, providing comfortable spaces for learning, teamwork and community engagement. Research, programmatic innovation and ecosystemic design in a 21st century library are the characteristics that have earned the project the EUmies Awards 2024.




The Jury and Motivations

The 2024 jury was formed by Martin Braathen, architect and senior curator of architecture at the National Museum in Oslo; Pippo Ciorra, architect, critic, professor and senior curator for MAXXI Architettura in Rome; Frédéric Druot, architect, researcher and artist, with his studio Frédéric Druot Architecture based in Paris; Tinatin Gurgenidze, architect, urban researcher, curator, and author, who also co-founded the Tbilisi Architecture Biennial; Adriana Krnáčová, who works across different fields including contemporary art, communications and consulting and writes crime novels, based in Prague; Sala Makumbundu, architect and managing partner at Christian Bauer & Associés Architectes in Luxembourg; and Hrvoje Njiric, architect, professor and lecturer, with his studio njiric plus arhitekti based in Zagreb.


From an initial group of 362 nominated works, besides the two winners, the jury selected five finalist projects: Hage by Brendeland & Kristoffersen and Price & Myers in Lund (Sweden); Colegio Reggio by Andres Jaque / Office for Political Innovation in Madrid (Spain); Plato by KWK Promes in Ostrava (Czech Republic); revival of the Convent of Saint François by Amelia Tavella in Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano (Corsica-France); and, for the Emerging category, the Piódão square and tourist office (Portugal) by Branco del Rio.

According to the jury members, both finalists and winners “form an inseparable whole to better understand the paths that contemporary architecture takes to confront sustainability, social equity, technological advancements, health and well-being, cultural preservation, resilience and adaptation, economic viability, and globalization within an ethical practice and both ideologically and pragmatically”.


>> Discover the 2022 winners of the EUmies Awards 

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