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CRIF21 Business Centre, Politecnica's Story Through Architecture

The monographic volume, curated by THE PLAN Editions, narrates the project of the Bologna headquarters of CRIF, a leader in credit information systems

THE PLAN Editions presents the book "CRIF21 Business Centre"
By Editorial Staff -

"Our stylistic signature is a design philosophy based on ethics and morality in practicing our profession. Our goal is therefore not just an aesthetic result but also a lasting value that contributes to people's well-being, respect for the environment, and the creation of a positive impact on the community". This is the essence of Politecnica, an integrated design company that, thanks to a multidisciplinary team, covers every technical aspect of the design process.

The monographic volume dedicated to the CRIF21 Business Centre, curated by THE PLAN Editions, is not merely a celebration of the architecture of CRIF’s new headquarters in Bologna. Its purpose is to provide a window into Politecnica’s approach, values, and working methodology.Designing for the Future


Project Stewardship

The narration of the project thus becomes a means to describe not only the architecture but also Politecnica’s methodological and human approach, encapsulated in the concept of "project stewardship". Being custodians of the project means being present and guiding the architecture through every phase—from the earliest concepts to construction management—constantly seeking the best solution that balances all needs.

This process takes into account everything from the building’s overall aesthetics to the finest technical details, with the ultimate goal of creating a structure capable of withstanding the test of time, improving the quality of life for its users and the surrounding community.Designing for the Future

In this collaborative vision, the volume, published in Italian with an English translation, emerges from a collective process in which the designers involved share their experiences. CRIF21 is presented through the voices of the professionals who guide the reader through every aspect of the building, from urban planning—including the urban regeneration processes initiated by the project—to sustainability, architectural aesthetics, interior design, and space planning.Designing for the Future

Alongside Politecnica’s designers, external figures also contribute: professionals from the Municipality of Bologna, Nomisma, and CRIF itself, offering an external perspective on this successful architectural project. Finally, the contribution of architecture critic Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi enriches the monograph with a reflection on The Discipline of “Sincere” Architecture.

"We invite you to look beyond the architecture and discover the emotions, people and
ideas that inspire our cooperative and our approach to building the future."


Text by Beatrice Gentili (Politecnica), from the conclusion of the volume

Designing for the Future

Designing for the Future

Designing for the Future


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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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