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TPJ Vol8 - Issue2
TPJ Vol8 - Issue2
Paper Version Paper Version
60.00 €

A New Era
Maurizio Sabini

AI Time, Timing, and Timelessness
Phil Bernstein

Jarvis, Hal, or AlphaZero? Looking Beyond Conventional Narratives Concerning AI and Architecture
Cem S. Kayatekin, June Aoun, Yusuf Sühan Bozkurt, Daphné Fournel 

Exploring the Role of AI in Urban Design Research: A Comparative Analysis of Analogical and Machine Learning Approaches
Carla Brisotto, Jeff Carney, Forough Foroutan, Karla Saldana Ochoa, Whittaker Schroder    

Navigating AI-Enabled Modalities of Representation and Materialization in Architecture: Visual Tropes, Verbal Biases, and Geo-Specificity
Asma Mehan, Sina Mostafavi

Architecture’s “Recording Deluge”: The Nexus Between Architectural Design, AI, and Data Harvesting
Giuseppe Canestrino

To Think a New Thing: AI, Metaphor, and the Fantasies of Knowing
Karel Klein

Site and AI: A Paradigm Shift
Genevieve Baudoin, Bruce A. Johnson 

AI and Design Synthesis: Hybridity and Hybrid Form
Karim W. F. Youssef 

AI as a Facility for Sustainability: Digital Design Studio Education’s Prospects and Challenges
Anas Lila, Sigita Zigure


Title THE PLAN Journal - Vol 8 - Issue 1
Publisher Gruppo Maggioli S.p.A.
Number of pages 175
Format 21x29 cm
Language English
Release 2023
Price Euro 60,00

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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