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Lee Quill, FAIA is a founding principal of Cunningham | Quill in Washington, DC with over 30 years of experience in urban design and architecture. A recognized leader in community engagement and design, he has lectured at the National Building Museum, EPA Smart Growth Lecture Series, the Urban Land Institute, the AIA, the APA, and at numerous universities. Mr. Quill served as the Design Team Lead for 2 national AIA Sustainable Design Assessment Teams. He served as a juror for the EPA National Awards for Smart Growth Achievement and recently for URBAN LAB, a design competition focused on urban revitalization in Latin America. Mr. Quill is involved in shaping the design of urban places in the DC region through his firm and service on the DC Mayoral Task Force on Transit-Oriented Development, the Urban Design Advisory Committee, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s 2050 Initiative, and currently with the Carlyle-East Eisenhower Design Review Board in the City of Alexandria. Mr. Quill has received numerous design awards including: AIA Awards, Charter Awards from the Congress for the New Urbanism, and the APA Virginia State Outstanding Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan award.

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#Cunningham | Quill Architects 

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