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Light art in Italy 2010
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Light art in Italy 2010
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Molte opere di Light Art vengono allestite in occasione di manifestazioni ed eventi particolari ed hanno carattere effimero, una volta smontate di loro non resta traccia se non qualche immagine dispersa in rete o su riviste. Il volume, a cura di francesco Murano e Gisella Gellini, raccoglie e commenta i lavori italiani di 56 Autori di fama internazionale ed è accompagnato da un cd che illustra le opere con immagini ad alta definizione. Il volume è dedicato agli studiosi, ai progettisti, agli studenti e a tutti coloro che amano la luce nelle sue manifestazioni artistiche

Title: Light art in Italy 2010

Author(s): Gisella Gellini, Francesco Murano

Publisher: Maggioli SpA

Year of publication: 02/2009

Pages: 78

Book series: Politecnica

Series: Design

Topic: Design

Language: English

ISBN code: 8838743436

EAN code: 9788838743436

Gisella Gellini
Gisella Gellini, Architect, graduated in Florence with a study about the refurbishment and museal concept of Schifanoia Palace in Ferrara (XIV century). After that, she attended research courses and masters in experimental aesthetics focused on the space-time-light topics. She went to Sao Paulo in Brazil, where she designed many important buildings, such as the Santa Marcellina Faculty of Fine Arts and Music and history-oriented settings in other brazilian cities. At the same time she carried out a consultancy for the Centre of Study and Research of the Sao Paulo State. A researcher in the field of the light's culture, with a particular reference to Light Art, she obtained the co-operation and consultancy of the great art collector Giuseppe Panza di Biumo. In 2009 she was invited as curator of the exhibition "Dan Flavin in the Panza Collection", set up at the Berardo Museum, Lisboa. then during Euroluce of Milan, she curated the Nicola Evangelisti installation "Light Blade", at Villa Reale. In 2010, on the occasion of Luminale, she was invited as curator of "Luces. Light Art from Italy", a collective exhibition of Italian light's artists, set up at the Archaelo-gical Museum of Franfkurt. At present she is inolved in the organisation of an anthological exhibition of works from the Panza Collection at the Tomie-Ohtake Museum of Sao Paulo, an exhibition within the "Momento Italia-Brasile 2011-2012" major event.

Francesco Murano
Francesco Murano Architect, he obtained a Master's degree at the Domus Academy and a PhD in Industrial Design at the Polytechnic of Milan. He carries out his activity within the fields of environmental and interior lighting. his productions vary from lighting installations, to the lighting of stands, from lamp design to monumental and architectural lighting, and the research of new materials produced by Italian and European companies. All the major Italian magazines of interior design have been concerned with his work, which has also been published in many foreign magazines pertaining to the field of product design and light design. He has been a member of the research staff of the Domus Academy and the Taipei Design Centre, and coordinator of the Master in Light Design at the Istituto Europeo di Design of Milan. He is research professor at the Polytechnic of Milan, Department of Design.

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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