"An architectural project is always an act intended to modify space. A building not only determines an internal space, or rather a concatenation of internal spaces, but it also forms the boundary of a new layoutof the external space. It establishes a relationship with its natural settingand opposes it dialectically with a new arrangement, different from thenatural one but is related to it. The quality of the relationship it establishes is the criterion for judgingthe quality of the building. This is very different from what happens inthe figurative arts, where the object is judged in itself and for what it is, and not in terms of the relationships it creates with its setting, and onlymetaphorically by its influence on society". (Giancarlo De Carlo, 1960)
Title: Giancarlo De Carlo
Author(s): Ioanni Delsante
Publisher: Maggioli SpA
Year of publication: 11/2012
Pages: 143
Book series: Politecnica
Series: Essay
Topic: Architecture
Language: English
ISBN code: 8838762007
EAN code: 9788838762000
Ioanni Delsante
Delsante, Ioanni: Reader in Urban Design in the School of Art, Design and Architecture of the University of Huddersfield and Departmental leader for Internationalisation. Ph.D. in Building Engineering/Architecture. Researcher in University of Pavia. Visiting Professor at the University of Seville. Co-curated of international exhibitions on architecture and urban design, as the exhibition of Chinese architect at La Triennale of Milan (2012).