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Hudson Valley Residence

A harmonious blend of nature, light, materials and colors


Hudson Valley Residence
By Diana Carta -
Viabizzuno has participated in the project

Lying horizontally along a ridge overlooking the Catskill Mountains in New York State, the elongated rectangular shape of this residence by HGXDesign stands in contrast to the gently sloping Hudson Valley countryside. The centerpiece of a 14-ha property extending down towards on the valley on the west side, its timber façades and interiors reference the vernacular farmhouses that dot the surrounding countryside. However, these traditional materials have been employed to produce a contemporary style that goes so far as to play with the very concept of a residential building. Although a home, it resembles an art gallery, but also an industrial building that has somehow landed in a rural context. 

The building aims to meld the construction with its natural context. This is achieved directly and indirectly – and on several levels – by the its overall massing and with the play of color and light. As Hal Goldstein, founder and creative director of HGXDesign, says: “The house meets the sky in a very minimal way, while remaining lightly seated on the ground”. 

Several features contribute to a general perception of an effortlessly lightweight entity, like the 4-m-high vertical timber sidings and glazed panels that reach beyond the 3.5 m ceilings of the interiors. As a result, the roof slab is concealed behind the façade, helping to dematerialize the building, its geometry defined only by a continuous horizontal line. The apparent absence of a traditional roof contributes to the impression of a lightweight modern box whose transparency allows it to slip into its surroundings.

Color and natural light further contribute to the building’s effortless dialogue with its natural context. The timber sidings and interiors have been custom-stained with a silvery wash, which, combined with the natural hues of red cedar and walnut, brings out the tones of both the soil and the sky. Depending on the...

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