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“San Crescente” Residential Complex

Living in Equity and Unity

Izquierdo Lehmann Arquitectos

“San Crescente” Residential Complex
By Francesco Pagliari -
Artemide has participated in the project

Set on a lot in a small, secluded garden district in Santiago de Chile, not far from the city’s financial center, the design for the San Crescente residential complex combines wood and concrete to achieve relevant, effective architectural and material solutions.

With two above-ground floors and a basement - used for parking and as service rooms for the individual lodgings - the building overlooks the street along a  50-m frontage, a light-weight metal fence separating the lot from the public thoroughfare. The entrance to the accommodation units is located in the resulting wide, protected, tree-studded space, which may be used to walk, play, relax and chat, including a long, continuous bench seat running along a portion of the fence. The cohesive façade’s elevation presents tall, glazed walls along its entire frontage; the architecture’s unitary character is emphasized by a deep, overhanging roof that extends beyond the building, partially shading the façade.

The project was conceived as a group of residences that, applying recognizable and programmatic rules, shares the same architectural imprint. The underlying design is based on the idea of sharing, applying an equality-based approach to the residential structure: all five lodgings in the complex benefit from architectural features and configurations that are almost carbon copies from one residence to the next.

The building was commissioned by a group of five families, friends with shared values who wanted to find a way of living other than what the real estate market offered. The resulting construction is divided into five similar front-to-back living spaces, each spread over two floors with an internal staircase, each with a multifunctional basement service room, accessible either directly from outside or via a staircase leading down from the unit’s entrance hall.

A markedly modular approach distinguishes this set of...

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