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Burkina Institute of Technology

Teaching, relations, community

Kéré Architecture

Burkina Institute of Technology
By Francesco Pagliari -

The Burkina Institute of Technology, a computer science and electrical engineering higher education facility, is part of the city of Kougoudou’s network of educational and training facilities, and like the Lycée Schorge Secondary School set up by the Stern Stewart Institute, provides high quality technology and science training to Burkina students. The project was designed by
Berlin-based Kéré Architecture, headed by Diébédo Francis Kéré, native of Burkina Faso who graduated in architecture from Berlin’s Technische Universität. Also the designer of the Lycée Schorge, Kéré’s commitment to constant research is shown by the numerous projects built in Africa and other continents, and the many awards and acknowledgments received, among which the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture (2009) and the recent Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Architecture (2021).

Kéré’s baseline approach to briefs is first to use local construction materials and techniques as a primary project-rationalization feature. Another must is that occupant wellbeing go hand-in-hand with the building’s everyday functional efficacy and so trigger user appreciation that esthetically pleasing architecture and efficiency can be combined. The Burkina Institute of Technology aims to be the expression of a whole community’s sense of identity and commitment to progress. Academically linked through its educational and training offering to the Lycée Schorge, architecturally, the Burkina Institute of Technology presents as an “open enclosure” made up of two parallel rows of single-level components. Lying on an east-west axis, the long rectangular courtyard thus formed between the two rows of modular buildings housing classrooms and auxiliary environments becomes a communal socialization space for students. This partly enclosed open space...

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