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The Plan 120 [03-2020]

Henning Larsen | Louis Becker | Studio Pei Zhu | OPEN Architecture | DnA_Design and Architecture | ARCHSTUDIO | DnA_Design and Architecture | Ipostudio | Johnson Fain | Wilmotte & Associés | Alessandro Bucci Architetti | GG-loop | Powerhouse Company | Hopkins Architects | Ryūe Nishizawa

The relationship between architecture and context, between tradition and modernity, as well as the role of architecture in urban redevelopment and rebirth are just some of the issues discussed by Louis Becker, design principal and partner at Henning Larsen Architects. These themes are also exemplified in the designs of ARCHSTUDIO, DnA_Design and Architecture, OPEN Architecture, and Studio Zhu-Pei (China), Ipostudio and Alessandro Bucci Architetti (Italy), Wilmotte & Associés (Metz, France), GG-loop (Amsterdam), and Hopkins Architects (Wimbledon, London). Architecture is also about the monumental and the spectacular, as shown by Johnson Fain’s design for Christ Cathedral in California, and the residential designs of Powerhouse Company in Munich and Ryue Nishizawa on the Chilean coast.

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