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Educational and Exhibition Hub Dallara Academy

An abacus of light and speed

Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia / AF517*

Educational and Exhibition Hub Dallara Academy
By Luca Maria Francesco Fabris -
3F Filippi has participated in the project

The building by Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia / AF517* for Dallara, the Italian racing car chassis manufacturer founded in 1972 and among the world’s top competition car constructors, is a concrete expression of the essence of speed. Standing comfortably in its rural setting, this sleek, meticulously designed ensemble embodies the technology and style that allowed a small business born in the province around Parma in central-northern Italy, in what is now called Motor Valley, to become an international legend. Dallara is all about turning precision mechanics, aerodynamics, research and innovation into material things. Like his fellow Italian architects, Alfonso Femia holds materiality dear, as is clearly evidenced in the way he has given the Dallara success story a physical form with the right choice of materials combined with attention to every detail making up the company’s new academy. Speed was the byword from the start. Beginning with the actual project, launched only two years ago with an invitation-only contest organized by the chassis-manufacturer. Construction combined painstaking on-site craftsmanship and traditional structural frames alongside the assembly of prefabricated modular units, an engineering feat in itself that in some phases had ten different teams on site at the same time. The result is a building - inaugurated last September - that slips effortlessly into its landscape, a key client requirement for a complex, which, as well as the firm’s representative office, also houses the second year master university course in Racing Car Design of the Motor Vehicle University of Emilia-Romagna (Muner). A series of simple, almost archetypal geometries executed in a range of different materials gives a clear account of what Dallara does and how it does it. To achieve this, the Femia practice brought to bear the full weight of its international know-how. The program could even be likened to an abacus of Femia’s multiple skills with...

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