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Interview with Pietro Innocenti

Managing Director Porsche Italia

Interview with Pietro Innocenti
By Editorial Staff -
Porsche has participated in the project

Nicola Leonardi: After extensive experience in Asia and the Middle East, you became Managing Director of Porsche Italia in 2012. In what state did you find Italy on your return? Pietro Innocenti: It was really special to come back to Italy. After eight years abroad, I couldn’t wait. There is no doubt that I started working at Porsche at a time that was far from easy, but the major downturn in the automobile market turned out to be a great stimulus for me. Living abroad for a long time offered me a different perspective, a different way of perceiving Italy’s pros and cons. It made me more aware of the country’s potential. Sad to say, much of that potential is yet to be realized, owing to political inadequacy and to the Italian people themselves. What I mean is, we are used to seeing the glass half empty. We systematically undervalue significant concepts and values like reform, justice, education and economic development. This attitude has effects on two levels: on one hand, it acts as a general dead weight, given that it is very tough to do business in Italy; on the other hand, there are plenty of examples of outstanding excellence out there, enterprises that - and this is no coincidence - are better appreciated outside the country than within its own borders. I am highly optimistic. I’m an optimist by nature, but I’m also critical because the way I see it, it’s as if this country is driving along with the handbrake engaged. If all of this potential is to be realized, we need to release the brake.

N.L.: What are your personal thoughts about Porsche? What does this brand identify for you? What challenges are you tackling? P.I.: For me, Porsche has always been one of the most prestigious brands in the car industry. It is one of those brands that’s capable of arousing feelings, strong emotions. Others exist in other industries, but there is no doubt that for a car enthusiast like me, Porsche has always...

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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