With this office project Maki and Associates return to some of the themes explored in their Square 3 building for the corporation’s Basel headquarters: a clean - almost austere - minimalist materiality; the generous use of glass allowing views over the parklike surroundings; an open space plan that here is taken a step further to create completely fluid work spaces suitable for flexible working scenarios. As in other office buildings of the campus, the floor slabs cantilever extensively from their anchor: four offset cores arranged in pairs on diagonal axes. Adjacent to these are two double-height spaces for relaxation and communal eating. These collective areas are surrounded by L-shaped open-plan workstations. Each storey also has glazed conference rooms and more secluded, acoustically insulated spaces for work in small groups. At ground level are other conference rooms and an Asian-style bistrot.
The curtain wall uses large double-glazed panels hung from the roof to minimize the use of mullions and integrate the building into the landscape. Different kinds of glass are used in layered ribbons: crystallized, low-iron and ceramic-frit (on the upper part of the floors) to improve energy efficiency and protect occupants from direct sunlight.
Listening: the horizon and geography
Massimiliano & Doriana Fuksas
We live in a society in which masses of information transmitted at frenetic speed is the norm. The daily activity of listening is “impaired” by ou...Miami MAPPING - An American Caribbean City: A Film Set of the Future
The CityPlan goes to Miami. This extraordinary city on America’s West Coast, capital of Miami-Dade County has a population of over 5 million, making...The tropical metropolis
Far from the gritty megacities of the northern United States, the city of Miami on America’s southern-most East Coast, with a population of 5.5 mill...