More with Less, a miniature village of prefab houses and vegetable gardens, stems from a project by Cibic&Partners (Aldo Cibic & Tommaso Corà) in liaison with Dogtrot. The basic housing unit is a 4x4 m. From this one can create all manner of building types, put together from standardized parts and units consultable from a chart. The look can be varied: the façade may be green, wooden, rendered or metal; the roof can be flat, pitched, terrace-able, green or equipped with photovoltaic panels. Other variables relate to climate, function and cost. Outside features like decks, verandas, flower-boxes and partition screens can personalize the design still further. These prefab bungalows are designed to grow in time: the basic cell can be added to upwards or sideways, as the use changes. Whatever the solution, the project prioritizes sensitivity to landscaping. The basic structure has walls of laminated wood panelling and natural forms of insulation, a cocoon of high thermal insulating ideas. Criteria of sustainability mean that there is a gamut of energy-producing systems to suit all latitudes and climates. Heating may be geothermal or by biomass, hot-water and photovoltaic panels can be installed and assisted by a wind-powered generator if appropriate, or heat can be accumulated from a combination of energy sources. Energy-saving features include: a green roof, LED lighting, use of vacuum hygiene facilities, retrieval of “white” water and collection of rainwater.
A new metropolitan city emerges from the desert
Zaha Hadid Architects
The capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi City, sprang up half-way through the eighteenth century as a fishermen and hunters’ village. Its ...Astana: Development of a new Capital City
Tabanlioglu Architects
In 1997 the Kazakhstan government decided to shift the capital city from Almaty, near the Chinese border, to the agricultural centre of Akmola, which ...Copenhagen: Eco Sustainable Strategies for The Future
Steven Holl Architects
The upcoming UN conference on the environment, to be held in the Danish capital, will consider energy sustainability and harmful emission reduction. L...