Europe: directions of urban regeneration | The Plan
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Europe: directions of urban regeneration

Europe: directions of urban regeneration
By Editorial Staff -

Iceland / Reykjavik
The 375-acre site of Vatnsmýri lies near the centre of Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik. It used to be the airport, built by the British armed forces at the outset of World War II and then turned over to civil use. The decision to move the airport to another site left room for a new urban development scheme as outlined in the competition that was opened in 2007 and awarded first prize to JPPD Architecture, Studio Irander and Graeme Massie Architects. Whitin the shortlisted was the proposal of italian practice CSIAA lead by Roberto Cherubini.
The aim is to consolidate the urban fabric, prioritising quality and building a strong sense of community. Owing to its position adjacent to the old centre, Vatnsmýri is a prime development opportunity to design a markedly contemporary town structure on the principle of flexibility. In the new urban fabric, high research and technology companies are to rub shoulders with quality residential buildings experimenting with new forms of dwelling. This will provide Reykjavik with a competitive image as a place of learning and research.
The strategy at Vatnsmýri highlights sustainable development in the quality of its urban architecture and the layout of public areas and greenery. Blending the new with the already existing - which involves all the infrastructure for mobility - throws down the challenge of finding innovatory housing styles, adapting to the unusual climate conditions and stepping up the use of local resources.

Latvia / Riga
The masterplan for Riga new town centre in Tornakalns was drawn up in 2007 following an international competition. The site involved, 46 hectares, will contain government buildings, residential and commercial estates, a new station, a transport interchange and a web of surrounding and intersecting streets and squares.
The Library project (the Latvian National Library) is extraordinarily meaningful for this city...

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