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Interview with Winka Dubbeldam

ArchiTectonics Winka Dubbeldam

Interview with Winka Dubbeldam
By Editorial Staff -

Winka Dubbeldam, architect,  is a graduate of the Academy of Architecture in Rotterdam (1990) and went on to take a Master at Columbia University, New York. She is director of the Post-Professional Program at the Architecture School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. In 1994 she founded Archi-Tectonics NY. Since then she has exhibited at various venues including “The Unprivate House” and “Young Architects” at the MoMA (1999-2001) and  at the Archi-Lab in Orléans (France, 2001). She took part in the project exhibition for the New York WTC area, curated by Max Protetch and presented at the Venice Biennale 2002. She was named the “Emerging Voice” by the Architectural League NYC in 2001, while Archi-Tectonics won the 2006
IIDA/Metropolis Smart Environments Award. In 2007 she published AT-INdex, a conceptual monograph on the work of Archi-Tectonics. Projects pending include: a condominium at Anguilla, Villa’s In the Sky, a residential building in New York; Q Tower and Unknot Tower at Philadelphia, and also various projects for private houses and shops in New York.

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