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Ordrupgaard Museum Extension

Zaha Hadid Architects

Ordrupgaard Museum Extension
By Lucy Bullivant -

Zaha Hadid’s new extension to the Ordrupgaard Museum in Copenhagen is her most feminine built form to date, an inviting, intimately scaled environment differentiated by its gradations, structurally glazed like a skin and embracing its natural environment, a 5 hectare park near Dyrehaven (The Royal Deer Park) in the affluent green suburb of Charlottenlund, 20 minutes’ train journey from the centre of the city. It was here that in 1916 Wilhelm Hansen (an affluent self-made insurance director and state councillor) and his wife Henny engaged Danish architect Gotfred Tvede to build their private manor and three room picture gallery of French impressionist and Danish Golden Age art, originally planned as their summer residence. Ordrupgaard was a gift of a setting. After they decided to live there full time Tvede realised the two storey, three wing building complex with its transitional winter garden room, for which Hadid’s structure is a true decendent, welcoming the natural world of its leafy park into more public spaces.
Designed in a rural classicist style typical of the time, with rendered walls garnished by distinctive trelliswork redolent of American Colonial Style, the country house is typical of many built by the wealthy in the first decade of the 20th century. The park, laid out in English style with a French-inspired rose garden, is exceptionally located in an old protected forest. The whole complex was bequeathed to the Danish state after Henny’s death in 1951. But the house lacked the proper space and climate to house and display such a high calibre collection to the public on a daily basis; moreover, its café, a meeting point for local devotees who regarded Ordrupgaard as ‘their secret’, was too remote. Deteriorating paintings badly needed new facilities and a temporary exhibition gallery, as well as a larger, integrated dining and public talks environment were essential if Ordrupgaard was to maximise its potential as a venue for international...

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