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Dining Amid the Waves

Banu Hotpot Restaurant

Studio Link-Arc | Kane Architecture and Urban Design

Dining Amid the Waves
By Editorial Staff -

Like rippling waves on a waterway, a grid of sinuous panels hangs down from the ceiling of the Banu Hotpot Restaurant in Zhengzhou, China, a space designed by New York-based firms Studio Link-Arc and Kane Architecture and Urban Design. The architects renovated the interior and façade of an existing building to create a welcoming architectural identity for visitors to this restaurant, which belongs to an innovative franchise.

Ristorante Banu Hotpot - © Qingshan Wu, courtesy Studio Link-Arc Sia il piano terra sia quello superiore contengono un’ampia sala principale con cucina a vista e salette private, ricavate all’interno di volumi conici  che collegano i due livelli del ristorante e caratterizzate da un colore arancione acceso. Come il soffitto, anche il layout distributivo del locale  è disegnato con forme organiche, trasformando la rigida struttura dell’edificio esistente in uno spazio fluido.

Paying homage to strong local tradition, the restaurant’s name refers to men who helped boats navigate China’s most treacherous rivers, who would feast on hotpots to recoup their strength. The interior design references this local tradition through a complex ceiling decoration that reproduces flowing waves, created out of hundreds of metal panels perforated by organic shapes in a variety of sizes. These elements were designed in a wavy pattern to create a sense of depth in the space and an evocative chiaroscuro effect. Combining a series of basic modules, the weave extends along the main façade without any breaks between inside and outside, in an architectural solution that adds a sun shading system to the glass exterior, and invites passers-by to walk in to this new city landmark restaurant.

Ristorante Banu Hotpot - © Qingshan Wu, courtesy Studio Link-Arc Dal soffitto del ristorante scendono centinaia di pannelli metallici perforati, disegnati con un motivo ondulato che richiama i flutti dei fiumi cinesi e crea  un gioco di luci e ombre.  Dal punto di vista cromatico, il color terra dell’installazione a soffitto e degli arredi in legno dialoga con le superfici verticali bianche e la pavimentazione nera lucida.

The concept of creating an environment inspired by nature is further developed in the room’s distribution layout, which broke up the orthogonal arrangement of the previous structure and replaced it with a more fluid and harmonious space organization approach. The restaurant’s north-south rectangular floor plan covers an area of 2,100 sq. m. Arriving guests are greeted at the ground-floor entrance by a double-height lobby and a curvilinear staircase leading to the upper floor. Both levels feature a large main room, open kitchen and private lounges housed in conical volumes, plus service spaces located on either side of the floor plan. Chromatically, the design exploits contrasts between white vertical surfaces and earthen-colored ceiling panels; a cooler, darker shade in a glossy finish was chosen for the floor. Wooden tables and chairs with a rustic feel fit into what is a palette of neutral hues, with the exception of the private dining rooms, which feature lively bright orange-painted walls.

Location: Zhengzhou, Henan, China
Client: Banu Hotpot
Completion: 2021
Gross Floor Area: 2,100 m2
Architect and Interior Designer: Studio
Link-Arc, Kane Architecture and Urban Design
Main Contractor: Henan K-Rich Decoration Engineering
Lighting Consultant: Chen Chen

Photography by Qingshan Wu, courtesy of Studio Link-Arc

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