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Versatility and innovation spelt out in ceramic tiles

Versatility and innovation spelt out in ceramic tiles
By Editorial Staff -
Ceramics of Italy has participated in the project

Though broadly employed on the floors and walls of private homes, more and more often Italian ceramic tiles are in demand for the
non-residential market: public, private, commercial, industrial. The attraction of the product’s technical and chemical properties; also the range of ‘specials’ available which adapt to any use.
Research has taken the route of colour and texture effects and now also format, affording a host of interpretations to suit the latest trends in style. The ever-broader formats can be rendered into never-ending
sub-multiples and an expanding gamut of creative patterns. Rectification has meant that grouts can be dispensed with and wide open surfaces made more compact.
Change by Caesar comes in four colours (Chromium, Bronze, Night, Forge); the large format (60x60 and 30x60 cm) has a sumptuous micro-structure that makes the surface shimmer and change. Edilcuoghi’s Stardust, again in large format (45x90 cm), seeks original visual effects. It features a high-gloss surface in seven colour shades: Bianco, Perla, Beige, Grigio, Coffee, Antracite, Nero. Fluid by Refin combines glossy reflections and matt brushstrokes with delicately intertwining two-tone shades. Letters and floral motifs mingle with iridescent colours to enliven floors and walls to luminous effect.
Broad expanses of cement call out for Kerlite Over by Cotto d’Este, made from Kerlite and Kerlite Plus and available in the four colours Openspace, Loft, Office and Road, the formats being 100x300,100x100 and 50x50 cm.
Sound by Viva, a bathroom and kitchen series in four colours, has added two novel formats to the classical 20x50 cm: the externally convex 5x50 and 10x50 cm formats present exciting new decorative scope. Light effects and once again format - though this time in small dimensions - are the starting point for Circle by Casamood, who have come up with round modules for metallic mosaics in four colours: Rame, Bronzo, Ferro and Piombo.
Zauli-Leopardo by La Faenza, designed for the wide open public and commercial spaces, reproduces the circular motif ad infinitum in close-knit patterns, squared and rigorous, creating the visual effect of a leopard-skin carpet.
Feeling by Ricchetti draws on the tactile warmth of leather, a product that enhances interiors and becomes a furnishing element in its own right.
Changing the setting, Musa by Novabell goes in for a neo-pop style, fashion-conscious combinations of colours and decorations playing on a range of surfaces and formats.
Parquet Grès by Fiordo revisits the classical style, warm colours and veining of natural wood, keeping all its irregular beauty but unaffected by time.


Ceramiche Italiane
Viale Monte Santo, 40
I - 41049 Sassuolo (MO)
Tel. +39 0536 804585
Fax +39 0536 806510
E-mail: [email protected]

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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