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Versatile, Green Office Design

Versatile, Green Office Design
By Editorial Staff -
Dieffebi has participated in the project

For over four decades, Dieffebi has been furnishing offices, focusing on how cultural, social and business models have developed to influence the conception and organization of work spaces. In recent years, hybridization has become central to office organization, leading to the decline of spaces rigidly divided along functional lines in favor of sharing and an ability reconfigure space usage. Keeping up with such change is clearly a challenge and so to ensure it is at the forefront of every development wave, Dieffebi regularly conducts surveys of its customers to find out exactly what they require and expect.

The growing need for more effective spaces and greater versatility in the office - and at home, especially since such environments have recently taken on an office function in many cases - drove the company to design a series of new products specifically to meet these needs, unveiling them at Milan’s famed furniture fair in 2021.

Separatori su ruote Tidy Wings, design Gianmarco Blini Immagine courtesy Dieffebi

Dieffebi has expanded its Tidy collection with Tidy Wings, designed by Gianmarco Blini. This series of partitions or dividers on wheels opens up endless solutions for how to configure a large office space. The backbone of this series is the partition panel in colored, sound-absorbing fabric, but it also includes shelves, containers and a unit with a monitor panel.

Another of the company’s solutions is Dolomites, designed by Dorigo Design. This is a system of free-standing screens characterized by a metal base with a mountain profile that can be placed on the floor or a table. Available in sound-absorbing fabric, Plexiglas and wood, in different colors, Dolomites screens are ideal for dividing and customizing spaces, adding a lively and light touch with enormous versatility.

Schermi free standing Dolomites, design Dorigo Design. Immagini courtesy Dieffebi

Dieffebi places great importance on its communication and interaction with its clients and so it uses 3D design software, such as pCon, and it also has BIM families for several of its product categories.

The company also actively supports green design. As several of its products are LEED® certified, it has joined the GREENiTOP® community, which brings together companies that make products meeting LEED® and WEEL® standards.

Via Palù, 36 - I - 31020 San Vendemiano (TV)
Tel. +39 0438 4715
E-mail: [email protected] - www.dieffebi.com

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