Verona by Pianca | THE PLAN
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Verona by Pianca | THE PLAN
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Pianca has participated in the project

The evocative power of a memory that becomes tangible once again: the new Verona door (design by Calvi Brambilla) picks up the style of wardrobes of bygone days and offers a modern yet just as suggestive take on iconic design. This wardrobe consists of a rectangular module with two different-sized panels, the smallest one of which can be fitted at the top or at the bottom. Its versatility makes various arrangements possible, for instance similar modules can be fitted in a line or alternated in a symmetric or asymmetric way, adapting the design to individual tastes and to the characteristics of the space the wardrobe will be installed in. The end result is always exceptionally elegant and minimalist, enhanced by the lack of handles. The door is in fact opened by means of a vertical recess inside its frame. Verona is available in the wood types and lacquer colors offered by the Pianca collection.

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