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Contemporary FALSE Ceilings

By Editorial Staff -
Armstrong has participated in the project

Ultima+, Perla and Sierra by Armstrong Ceiling Solutions are three mineral fiber false ceiling panel lines that incorporate uniformity of appearance with excellent sound attenuation and absorption to produce the kind of clear acoustics that are ideal in open-plan workplaces, offices and schools. On top of this excellent sound performance, these lines also reflect light, helping to achieve significant energy savings - 85% for Sierra, 86% for Perla and 87% for Ultima+. The latter has a finely textured, highly durable surface that is a bluish-white color to create a natural light effect to add lightness to any environment.

Each line also comes in a special OP series. Perla OP is available in two versions - Perla OP 0.95 and Perla OP 1.00 - with sound absorption levels of 0,95 αw and 1,00 αw, respectively, and sound attenuation of up to 27 dB (Dnfw). Ultima+ OP also achieves a sound absorption reading of 1.00 αw, while the Sierra OP panels have sound absorption levels of αw 0.90 and attenuation levels of up to 28 dB (Dnfw). Together, these lines create a very versatile high-performance range of ceiling panels that are ideal for large ceilings, but also offer the specific features that might be best in, say, a call center, open-space office or cafeteria.

Ultima+ OP, Perla OP 0.95, Perla OP 1.00 and Sierra OP are also certified in clean room class ISO5, in accordance with the international EN ISO 14644-1 standard and in Class A+ for volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. This certification is clear proof such tiles help guarantee a healthy space, with good air quality, that even meets healthcare standards.

As Alessandro Buldrini, Regional Sales Manager of Armstrong Ceiling Solutions, noted, the success of these three lines in Italy is clear evidence of how designers and architects view these panels, opting to use then in spaces where practicality and user well-being are as important as a refined, contemporary design.

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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