Idelfonso Colombo and Daniele Di Vito (the latter from the Bridge Design workshop) have followed two parallel and independent tracks in developing a highly suggestive concept that converts the shower enclosure into a useful, active space with a series of optional elements that transform the shower element into a real furnishing system. Centro Progetti Vismara has contributed towards the general working project and engineering.
Today, multiple activities involving different types of functional and decorative objects coexist in the bathroom environment... In other words, the question was: “Can the shower enclosure be useful beyond its specific purpose?” The study commenced by analysing the daily framework, moving on to consider situations presenting an evident need for a more dynamic space that would adapt to various moments of the day centred on personal care, and also be useful for several home-related activities...
Materials: tempered safety glass, 5/8 mm thickness, transparent. Anodised aluminium, bright silver finish.
Dimensions: cm 160x80 L x 195 H