Stopray 0.9 - High performance stays slim
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Stopray 0.9 - High performance stays slim

Stopray 0.9 - High performance stays slim
By Editorial Staff -
AGC Flat Glass has participated in the project

“Stopray 0.9”, the new range of insulating glass in which AGC gets ahead in magnetronic performance, affords a world-first chance of beating the 1.0 W/m2K Ug thermal transmittance threshold in double-glazing - something that has previously only been possible with triple-glazing. This exclusive configuration straight from the AGC Research Centre in Belgium offers a finished product that has all the thermal and acoustic features but less weight, thickness and hence cost. It was achieved by combining two coatings in the same glazing unit: a magnetronic Stopray on face 2 and a pyrolytic Planibel G fasT coating on face 4. Such products are already known to the professionals, but are here combined and perfected to ensure the necessary optical quality and stability. Planibel G fasT is also the only pyrolytic product that can be applied to face 4 and bear the brunt of ordinary cleaning of an inside window-pane.
The light transmittance of Stopray 0.9 insulating glass (available in 8 versions) can vary from 54% to 33%, while the sun factor ranges from 36% to 21%. Six of the 8 versions can be toughened so as to take bending or screen-printing.
AGC’s Stopray 0.9 is a valid alternative to triple-glazing in all cases where the Ug value of 1.0 W/m2K is deemed inadequate. It enables the thinness and weight of a classic double-glazing unit to be preserved.


AGC FLAT Glass italia
Via F. Turati, 7
I - 20121 Milano
Tel. + 39 02 62690110
Fax + 39 02 6570101
E-mail: [email protected]

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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