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Seventyonepercent, a new wellness&bathroom experience

Seventyonepercent, a new wellness&bathroom experience
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Paolo Castelli Spa, Iris Ceramica Group have participated in the project

Iris Ceramica Group launches the new Seventyonepercent business unit, dedicated to designing sophisticated furnishing solutions for the wellness&bathroom sector.

For the launch collection, this ambitious project involved working together with the prestigious firm owned by Paolo Castelli and aims to offer original aesthetic experiences to an increasingly discerning clientele seeking an authentic, distinctive design. An exclusive interpretation of the bathroom, with a focus on taking care of body and mind, where ceramics and other top quality materials are used together to create unique compositions that combine techniques and craftsmanship with highly sophisticated “Made in Italy” design.

Integration, balance and harmony are the key words that reflect the philosophy of this new brand and embody its founding values: the bathroom acquires a new identity and becomes synonymous with an exclusive place for regeneration to be experienced. Integration, as a way of allowing spaces to contaminate each other in a positive way, complementing one another and blending together to create flexible, contemporary living solutions; balance as the driving force behind the development of a cutting-edge product that combines innovation and tradition, artisanal details and design culture, aesthetic quality and functionality; and, finally, harmony, a global guiding principle according to which elements that are distant and not related to each other, such as water and earth, can influence each other and coexist.

This is how Seventyonepercent came into being: in fact, the interaction between water and earth is the ultimate example in nature of balance and synthesis; while these two noble elements merge together, 71% is the percentage of the surface of the Earth covered by water. In this project, water is the inspirer of the new brand as a source of life, a symbol of well-being and an example of true sustainability, for conscious, future-oriented design.

An artisanal production chain, with 100% Emilia-based design and engineering, supports the production stages of Seventyonepercent, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to the economic relaunch of the area and of its resources, which is something that Iris Ceramica Group and Paolo Castelli S.p.A. have always had in common.

“The core values that have always been at the heart of the holding company and of its brands are now further explored in this new project. The balance between artisanal know-how and technological innovation in the ceramic industry characterizes a collection of top-of-the-range furnishings that expands the Group’s business into a previously unexplored market with significant potential,” – comments Federica Minozzi, CEO of Iris Ceramica Group. “We are proud to embark on this new journey through which we intend to bring out the potential of design using ceramic surfaces as a starting point”.

“The friendship and collaboration between Paolo Castelli S.p.A. and Iris Ceramica Group highlights not only their technical and production potential but also another key, intangible element, that of design, which is essential for maintaining product competitiveness, in terms of both production process efficiency and market response,” – adds Paolo Castelli. “‘Good’ design becomes a key factor in translating this potential into commercially useful forms that can anticipate new style trends. The Emilia industry is very design-oriented, and this is why it has always been perceived as almost exclusively devoted to aesthetics, an aspect that concerns the end of the production cycle.

Globe, Inspiration, Suite and Thirties: the launch collection comprises four lines, offering a range of solutions with a strong aesthetic appeal and sinuous geometric shapes. Fine details, texture contrasts and light effects are combined to create an entirely new dimension of space that elevates the bathroom to a whole new level, becoming a true haven of well-being.

Seventyonepercent will have its world premiere at Iris Ceramica Group’s new flagship store, located in Milan’s historic city center, between the Duomo and Piazza Cordusio; a prestigious setting in a city renowned for being the showcase par excellence of international design and of the manufacturing industry.




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