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Precise Light, from Soft to Intense

Precise Light, from Soft to Intense
By Editorial Staff -
BEGA has participated in the project

The effective use of light can help a space conveying a sense of intimacy and privacy or, alternatively, decisively and elegantly revealing itself to the viewer. Architects operate between these two extremes, modulating the use of lighting fixtures and identifying the best technical solutions to characterize the space according to the design brief. In line with this concept, BEGA’s recently introduced ceiling spots can be used to illuminate a home with soft, discreet light or to highlight specific points in the home with narrower, more intense beams.

 Courtesy Bega

BEGA’s range of spots and recessed ceiling luminaires are characterized by their extremely compact dimensions, given their efficient light output, and by the possibility of modulating the number of light points and the distance between them. In addition, this solution allows multiple fixtures to be powered from a single source, simplifying electrical connections and allowing for maximum customization of interior and exterior spaces. Outside, for example, the spots could be placed along a roof profile, on a terrace or at the entrances to the house; in each of these situations, BEGA lights can be used to create mood lighting, while at the same time being extremely practical to install. It is these features, combined with their reliable and efficient lighting performance, that make these products a standout in the company’s catalog.

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