Planibel Light - Low-emission glass for hot climes
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Planibel Light - Low-emission glass for hot climes

Planibel Light - Low-emission glass  for hot climes
By Editorial Staff -
AGC Flat Glass has participated in the project

Architects choosing glass to install so as to combine energy saving with comfort in the home must clearly reckon with the environment and climate.
As well as thermal insulation, noise abatement and security, one needs to weigh the solar factor, i.e. the ability of a glass to control radiation from the sun.
For a hot sunny climate like the south of Italy - where the right glass in summer can cut refrigeration costs and control radiating light and energy - AGC have developed a new low-emission glass for residential use, Planibel Light, which takes its place among the rest of the AGC low-emission line: Planibel I-Top, Planibel 1.0 and Energy N. Planibel Light has a light transmittance factor of 66% enabling natural light to be used without dazzle or glare; its 25% light reflection also makes for privacy. With a thermal insulation Ug value of 1.0 W/(m²K) and a 42% solar factor, indoor comfort is excellent. Planibel Light comes in various combinations: Planibel Light on Clearvision applied to extra-clear AGC glass to reduce energy absorption; Planibel Light 0.9 where the Ug thermal insulation is 0.9 W/(m²K); Stratobel Light which applies Light coating values to an AGC security glass; and Stratophone Light, a combination of AGC acoustic insulation and security glass.

AGC FLAT Glass italia
Via F. Turati, 7
I - 20121 Milano
Tel. + 39 02 62690110
Fax + 39 02 6570101
E-mail: [email protected]

© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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