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Piazza Minuto Pesce

Piazza Minuto Pesce
By Editorial Staff -
Mapei has participated in the project

The porticoed cloister in the building housing Molfetta’s old “Minuto Pesce” fish market was reopened to the public at the end of 2010 after thorough remediation and restoration. The whole complex was in a sorry state of disrepair largely on account of rapidly rising damp on the cloister walls, compounded by efflorescence of chlorides and other salts. In some parts the damp had reached 3 metres from floor level imperilling the health and soundness of the structure itself. Mapei took an active part in the masonry remediation work providing materials and technical assistance.
The programme included several phases: initial shoring up of the masonry before work commenced; removal of the plaster from the all the interior walls and soffits of the portico vaults running around the cloister; remediation and repointing the walls; replastering the areas not affected by capillary rise; consolidation of the stone vault soffits; and application of a protective coat to the external stone façade cladding. Mapei-Antique products were employed during remediation and consolidation of the masonry while Silancolor was used for finishes and surface protection.


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