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Photovoltaic Panels that Vanish into the Arcahitecture

Photovoltaic Panels that Vanish into the Arcahitecture
By Editorial Staff -
Ondulit has participated in the project

Growing sensitivity to environmental issues in recent years has led project designers and companies to devise new construction systems with an eye on energy efficiency, durability of installations, and minimizing running costs and maintenance. In promoting photovoltaic installations the new law has thought fit to safeguard the landscape and preserve the look of buildings by giving the highest incentive to photovoltaic technology that blends completely into the architecture.
Ondulit’s Enercover system divides into two product lines: Enercover Top and Enercover Base. Both are designed for full architectural “integration”. Enercover Top uses flexible modules in thin-film amorphous silicon. This can be applied to any metal roof, preserving functional separation between the architecture and the panelling. This ensures that both the roof and the PV generator will stand the test of time. The system is versatile and light, while the flexibility of these amorphous silicon
UNI-SOLAR modules makes Enercover Top applicable to roofs of all shapes: curving, straight pitch, domes for prefabs with “Y” girders.
Enercover Base has the same UNI-SOLAR photovoltaic laminates which fit onto corrugated sheeting that serves both as a roof and as energy panels. It will suit roofs like cantilevers, façade cladding, shade units, and of course ground PV generator installations.

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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