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Orizzonte Villa

An Entrance to Match the Architecture

UNICA Architects

Orizzonte Villa
By Editorial Staff -
OIKOS VENEZIA has participated in the project

Minimalist or sophisticated, grand or subtle, front doors are like the calling cards of an architectural endeavor, the first point of contact for visitors, inviting them to step over the threshold and discover what lies within. The design of entrance architecture is a crucial aspect of the compositional process, and architects and designers trust Oikos as a dependable partner to guide them in selecting the most appropriate solutions for interpreting and realizing their design preferences and project requirements. By not placing constraints on size, ideas or creativity, but instead encouraging experimentation beyond traditional boundaries, the company facilitates custom projects, including truly non-standard ones such as the expansive door at Orizzonte Villa designed by Unica Architects. Nestled in the Po Valley, in Ferrara, the house was born from a singular architectural gesture, embracing lightness and simplicity at its core. The pronounced horizontality of the building allows for optimal  integration into the surrounding landscape, blending and camouflaging its silhouette – an effect that is reiterated through a clever combination of transparencies and materials. The balance of solids and voids is given the value of a whole by the extensive roof, conceived as a fifth façade, which completely covers the villa and embraces each of the volumes that make up the structure.  

Villa Orizzonte © Ikebeo, courtesy Oikos Venezia

Boasting a prime riverfront location and an ideal south-facing orientation, the villa is divided into functional compartments where living spaces seamlessly merge with panoramic views of the outdoors, accentuated by sliding glass windows that optimize both natural ventilation and lighting. In this context, the entrance echoes this compositional mode, and the massive door that characterizes it – a Synua by Oikos –
appears as a sculptural, highly material element set between two transparencies. The imposing size of the door (1400x2880 mm) gives the entrance an air of grandeur, and the exterior cladding in Laminam’s Bianco Statuario Venato anticipates the finish of the fireplace, which faces the entrance, as well as the surfaces of the kitchen furnishings.  Inside, the door is finished in White Lacquer and is opened by a lock with an integrated fingerprint reader on the Cortina handle.

Thanks to the wide range of materials, finishes, colors and claddings, the entrance design becomes an active element in the dialogue between architecture, nature and landscape that characterizes the entire project. 

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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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