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Opera and Vision Winter Gardens

Opera and Vision Winter Gardens
By Editorial Staff -
Pratic has participated in the project

The concept underpinning Pratic’s bioclimatic pergolas Opera e Vision is being able to live outdoors in direct contact with nature whatever the season, climate or time of day. For this reason, the two models have an operable blade roof, closed sides and LED lighting.

Pratic’s special sun-shading blades can rotate at 140°, allowing cooling through-draughts and direct sunlight, cutting air conditioning, lighting and ventilation costs. The roof has proven resistance to strong winds and rain. Rainwater is evacuated through gutters around the perimeter, turning the pergolas into cosy winter gardens even during bad weather.

The Raso and Slide Glass side closures ensure comfort zone temperatures and privacy, creating simple outdoor living areas. The Raso is a vertical curtain that can be completely rolled up and concealed in the frame. The Slide Glass is an elegant set of transparent sliding doors offering a variety of closing systems.

LED RGB perimeter lighting with recessed Spot Light luminaires creates a unique atmosphere, especially in the evening, thanks to the dimmer switch option.

Opera and Vision bioclimatic pergolas allow interiors to be extended outdoors with the creation of open-air environments that can be enjoyed the year over.



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