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Metropolis - Materials and Colours from around the world

Metropolis - Materials and Colours from around the world
By Editorial Staff -
Gruppo Ivas has participated in the project

Metropolis, the new decoration division of Ivas, has three surface-finish product lines - Colors, Urban Effects and Resins. Special texture and colour effects provide a vast array of interior décor options to bring the atmosphere of the world’s major cities into the home.
The Metropolis paint range is water based, solvent-free and with minimum release of volatile organic substances. Designed for a wide gamut of surfaces, they can be applied to floors, masonry walls, gypsum wallboard and furniture.
The special formulation of the Colors range makes it suitable for any domestic setting. All products in this paint range are long lasting, washable, transpirable, and can be touched-up at a later date. Each of the ten decorative finishes come in a wide colour range. Colors is the ideal choice for both classic décor or more innovative experimental settings. New slate and magnetic patinas have now been added to the other high-impact textured effects of the range.
By combining some of the Colors products with special application techniques Metropolis has created the Urban Effects range. These 3-D textured patinas are designed to stimulate the creative flair of designers and decorators alike. Colours and manufacturing processes together provide surface finishes resembling concrete, precious metals, rusty iron, urban graffiti or those well-worn, sedimented surfaces that line our major city streets.
Finally comes Resins, the resin-based wall and floor decoration range where special visual and tactile effects have been obtained by variously combining colours and application techniques. These tactile, resinous paints come in a wide variety of finishes: veined, multi-coloured, glossy, matt, transparent, pearly or shiny. They can be mixed and matched to produce the latest interior design look.
The full Metropolis range of colours and surface effects is detailed on the website: www.metropolis-ivas.com. As well as a constant update on the latest product offerings, the website provides a series of decoration and application suggestions.


Metropolis by Ivas (Gruppo Ivas)
Via Bellaria, 40
I - 47030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC)
Tel. +39 0541 815811
Fax +39 0541 815817

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