Management & Commercial Centre Occhiobello
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Management & Commercial Centre Occhiobello

Management & Commercial Centre Occhiobello
By Editorial Staff -
Mapei has participated in the project

Mapei were called in to work on a recent building at Occhiobello destined to house a management and commercial centre.
The future offices on the first floor needed an insulation system against the noise of footsteps, and on this a floor in porcelain stoneware was to be laid and grouted. To achieve the degree of sound insulation required, Mapesilent was chosen. This noise-abatement system enables a pad to be floated in perfect insulation from its support. The materials that go to form Mapesilent meet the standards set by law DPCM 5-12-97 and enable noise-efficiency classes I and II to be achieved as defined by technical regulation UNI 11367 “Acoustic classification of building units”.
By this system any type of flooring may be laid on the insulated floating screed.
In this case the basic floor surface was lined with a double layer of Mapesilent Roll, a membrane laid in strips which are joined and sealed by adhesive Mapesilent Tape. Round the perimeter walls and where a conduit or whatever crossed the screed, the membrane Mapesilent Band R 50/160 was applied to prevent acoustic bridges from forming. With the insulating system in place, a floating self-supporting 5 cm screed of Topcem Pronto mortar was cast, reinforced by a spanning metal grid. Once the screed had finished seasoning, porcelain stoneware tiles were stuck with Keraflex Maxi S1. To round off the operation, the grouts were sealed with Keracolor GG.


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I - 20158 Milano
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© Maggioli SpA • THE PLAN • Via del Pratello 8 • 40122 Bologna, Italy • T +39 051 227634 • P. IVA 02066400405 • ISSN 2499-6602 • E-ISSN 2385-2054
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