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Gamperana Triplex

Gamperana Triplex by Alpi | THE PLAN
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Alpi has participated in the project

Putting the accent back on the process of manufacture and creation, in which he plays a direct role, Martino Gamper has invented Gamperana Triplex, a new type of wood that does not exist in nature. The phase of cutting of the ALPI log becomes part of the creative process of the designer, because it determines the achievement of the final result. A thrilling challenge that led the designer to gradually interpret the wood, dissecting it and putting it back together: a concept of play that also returns in the name “Gamperana Triplex”, in imaginary Latin. Starting with a geometric texture that plays with the juxtaposition of natural tones and chromatic accents, Gamper creates three variations of the same design, organized in three different sheets. The same decoration thus comes alive in different interpretations, like a pictorial subject seen from different vantage points. The project conveys a cognitive approach to the material that perfectly reveals the designer’s modus operandi and poetics. Martino Gamper has an innate desire to experiment, to search and then to mix, reposition and re-contextualize. The result, as often happens in Gamper’s projects, comes from a range of perspectives, fragments and contrasts springing from an act of deconstruction, inventing a new project every time. The designer thus brings life to new realities and interpretations of the material.


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