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Florida Polytechnic University is in Lakeland, not far from Orlando, on a flat campus area immersed in greenery near the interstate. Santiago Calatrava’s design sits lightly on a large pond that almost surrounds the complex. The building is a notable oval shape, with a white metallic structure. The two-story building has classrooms, studio space, labs and an auditorium at ground level, while the upper floor has offices, conference rooms, additional studio areas and a large, multi-functional library. The roof has hydraulic brise-soleil shades to regulate the amount of light and improve interior comfort. Mapei provided the materials to create the substrate of the university complex, using products from its range specifically for the US market. Residual damp was a potential problem, so a special treatment with an epoxy moisture-reduction barrier, Planiseal VS, was applied directly to the concrete. Then, to make the treated concrete smooth and flat, Primer T was applied, before Ultraplan 1 Plus levelling mortar was used.

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