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ES ZEROFRAME Complete transparency and excellent performance

ES ZEROFRAME Complete transparency and excellent performance
By Editorial Staff -
ES Finestra has participated in the project

The desire to create ES Zeroframe was rooted in offering minimum encumbrance and excellent thermal performance. And these goals are behind the latest casement windows, another example of the company’s search for the essential. 

Each ES Zeroframe design element helps create a light, minimalist window that integrates into the architecture while remaining a transparent feature. 

The minimal screen-printing on the inner side of the window pane (44 mm) and the complete transparency on the outer side allow in 20% more light than a traditional window of the same size, but with improved thermal performance. The Marc Sadler-designed handle, with the opening mechanism fully integrated into the actual handle, helps lighten the appearance further because of its minimal design that follows the formal continuity of the window. 

The ES Zeroframe window has a 180° opening arc to easily air any room, while turning the handle 135° positions the window for micro-ventilation and turning it 180° allows the more traditional tilt opening. 

The width (60 mm) and the small cross-section of the frame (52 mm) mean installation can be done without construction work, making the ES Zeroframe especially suitable for refurbishment work.  


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