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ECO CUT by Carpet Concept
By Editorial Staff -
Carpet Concept has participated in the project

A carpet that makes it easy for architects because it can be laid in all areas without any problems: this was the basic idea of Eco Cut, which has been designed in collaboration with the renowned practice KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten. Whether start-up hipster or DAX-listed company: Eco Cut convinces in office, home and hotel environments due to its novel pile weave which combines the char­acter of a soft loop pile carpet with the versatile design possibilities of the flat weaving technology. The result are two patterns: a car­pet which is reminiscent of fine linen, while the other one resembles rough tweed. The two weaving patterns can be clearly combined in areas to generate an exquisite effect. Eco Cut structures rooms with its varying depths and patterns and impresses with harmoni­ously coordinated muted colour nuances.


The product series consists of 2 basic patterns (available as rolled carpet or tiles) and a combined pattern (only available as rolled carpet) merging both basic designs. The colour spectrum compris­es 29 coordinated shades.



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