Cube by lasfera | THE PLAN
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Cube by lasfera | THE PLAN
By Editorial Staff -
lasfera has participated in the project

Architects and spatial planners are now benefiting from a concept that combines plants, light and design in a whole new way. The CUBE planted collection from Cologne-based design office lasfera ensures a healthier climate, improved acoustics, clear visual boundaries and creative freedom when planning large and small indoor or outdoor areas. If you would like to have fruit growing next to your desk soon, it can be done. CUBE Planted makes “office gardening” possible - even if you do not have green thumb. The CUBE Planted collection is an eye-catcher, room divider, privacy screen and acoustics optimizer all in one. And as well as all this, it also improves the climate of the space. The Planted collection can be used as an eye-catcher in the middle of a reception area, as a room divider or privacy screen in large offices, shopping centers and spas, or solely for indoor gardening. Simply put, it can be used everywhere. This ensures maximum flexibility for spatial planning as well as more privacy and comfort for employees, customers or guests: The combination of an individually adjustable growth light, long-term irrigation, a plant and an aesthetic cube not only creates a visual counterpoint, but also sustainably improves the climate of the space. The cubes - available in different formats and materials - filter air in offices, salesrooms or display areas to improve humidity. This increases the well-being of employees and guests as they can better concentrate and feel altogether more comfortable. The installations are easy to maintain and use both indoors and outdoors. Even in dark corners, their time control allows them to provide new interior accents.

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