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Coverpiù by Ondulit

Coverpiù by Ondulit
By Editorial Staff -
and not by polyurethane as normal panels, of which represents an innovative development. The main features:
• Corrosion resistance: the sealing element is made of Coverib protected multilayer sheets, which gives the panel good resistance to corrosion and long-term reliability even in particularly aggressive atmospheres.
• Isolation: the multi-layer protection ensures good insulation and prevents noise due to heavy rain, one of the characteristics of other panels.
• Micro-ventilation: a characteristic element of the panel is micro-ventilation that avoids excessive overheating of the cover , leading the insulation and the upper sheet more favorable operating conditions to their stability over time. It also reduces the heat load of the insulator extrados, improving internal environmental comfort.
• Overhang on gutter: the overhang on gutter on only one element enables the system not to be exposed to constant moisture, thus preventing the deterioration of the insulating item and the rapid deterioration of the bottom sheet.

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